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Speak or translate text – website accessibility

We know that some people find it difficult to read websites for number of different reasons.

So we use the ‘Recite Me’ bar to make our site as accessible as possible for our customers.

‘Recite Me’ can change the size of website text to make it easier to see, translate it into 90 languages or read it aloud through speakers or headphones.

‘Recite Me’ is really easy to use and already included on our website – there’s nothing to download or install. We're also looking to include it on our online customer accounts in future.

Icon Explanation
Rewind to the previous paragraph of text
Click the Play button to read the text aloud
Skip forward to the next paragraph of text
This will decrease the text size
You can change the font that displays on the page
This will increase the text size
Change the background, text and link colours
Click to enable the reading ruler
Enable and disable the screen mask
Highlight and click on this to find the definition of the word
Translate text into a different language
Remove images and view in plain text mode
Highlight the text then click to download text as an MP3
Click and drag the magnifying glass to magnify text on the screen
Adjust your Recite settings
This will restore the default settings
User guide